he made a memorial address representing the followers . 門人代表の弔辞。
bunta sugawara delivers the memorial address . 菅原文太弔辞。
this system is still used today in a memorial address given at the time of a diet member ' s death and the like . この方式は、国会における国会議員等物故時の弔詞において今なお踏襲されている。
in many cases , a memorial address by a friend and so on , speech by a surviving member of the family , kenka and so on are added . これに付随して、友人などによる追悼の辞、遺族の挨拶、献花などが追加されることが多い。
generally , it proceeds in the order of mokuto (a silent prayer ), okurukotoba (offering of words ) (choji (a memorial address )) and kenka or shoko . 一般的には、黙祷、送る言葉(弔辞)、献花もしくは焼香といった形で進行する